Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Vegetarian's Dilemma

As the three of us sat around the two pushed together two-person tables in the conservatory of Santropol Ian asked me if I would be continuing my vegetarianism through this challenge.

First thought: 'Pssht',
Followed by: 'Why wouldn't I?'
And perhaps: 'Am I still capable of digesting meat?'

Why give it up?
- No beans (However I think I may have seen some a few weeks ago at Marche Jean Talon (MJT) fingers crossed they may have some next visit)
- No tofu (Though I'm not big on over processed soy-stuff anyway)
- No supplements
- No cereal (Usually fortified with vitamins)
- No nutritional yeast? (I assume this is true)
- Local meat is available and easy to find

Why not
- Local eggs (easily found and great source of protein)
- Local dairy (also easy source)
- The slight possibility of beans

Conclusion: I won't be slapping a steak on the grill any time soon.

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